Eternity, It's Your Choice
Eternity, It's Your Choice
  • Видео 156
  • Просмотров 1 239 597
Experts Warn That Both Parties Are In With The Globalists—It's All An ILLUSION
2 Corinthians 4:4 In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them.
Ephesians 2:2 Wherein in time past ye walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience:
Просмотров: 384


David Wilkerson "The Antichrist will be well received by many in the church who've fallen away"
Просмотров 3504 года назад
@2:47 "The Apostle Paul outlined two frightful things that would strike the church just prior to the Lord's coming. Paul said Jesus will not come until these two awful things happen & they're going to happen also in the church. #1. A Great Falling Away. A Great Apostasy in the church. 2. A Spirit of antichrist possessing many who are in the church."
Просмотров 8644 года назад
Calvinism is a seducing of demons. It is not the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It's another gospel that worships another Jesus. 2 Cor. 11:4 Calvinism maintains that you don't have to do anything to be saved. You're either born elect or you're born condemned. That is not the gospel. In fact, that's the same god of Islam. Allah ordains both Good and Evil. Creates...
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501c3 Churches have sold out our God for thirty pieces of silver. "It is impossible to have religious freedom in any nation where churches are licensed to the government!" Every ministry on TV is a 501c3 IRS government church. Shepherd's have sat back and watched wickedness spread without shouting from their rooftops like scripture commands them too and this is why. The legalization of SIN(abor...
Dave Hunt-"Everything Belongs To The Lord-Tithing Is Not In The New Testament"
Просмотров 3335 лет назад
We're to be cheerful givers. If you're giving out of your need like these prosperity preachers tell us, then you're not going to be cheerful until you get that money back. The Prosperity Preachers have done great damage by twisting God's word for self-gain. They love to talk about the Old Testament that had to do with temporary blessings concerning Israel. Not the Church. Notice that none of th...
Women Preachers Are Forbidden By God To Preach-Rebellion Is The Spirit of Witchcraft 1 Sam. 15:23
Просмотров 3405 лет назад
Isaiah 3:12 As for my people, children are their oppressors, and WOMEN rule over them. O my people, they which lead thee CAUSE THEE TO ERR, and destroy the way of thy paths. What does the Bible say Rebellion is? Witchcraft. Women preachers are witches and feminists in the church. Thank God for Dr. Max Younce for teaching sound doctrine. This topic is well needed, yet most preachers avoid it lik...
"The Great Apostasy began with the Laodicean Church on TV who will lead people to The ANTICHRIST!"
Просмотров 1535 лет назад
The Late Great Pastor David Wilkerson was a Modern Day Prophet of God. They tasted of the Heavenly gift, but rejected it for lies. They were in the church, but never fully surrendered to Jesus Christ. Hebrews 6:4-6 All these False Prophets on TV talk about is money and self. You will NEVER hear them mention verses such as "FREELY YE RECEIVED, FREELY GIVE!" (Matthew 10:8) They preach another gos...
TBN Banned Dr. Walter Martin Who Rebuked Them For Perverting Scripture
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TBN not only banned Dr. Walter Martin who told them to their faces that they were teaching heresy, Paul & Jan Crouch also banned Dave Hunt "Seduction of Christianity" and David Wilkerson. All three righteous men opposed their Prosperity Gospel. The Gospel of Greed and Self. It is not Christianity. It's another gospel they preach and another Jesus that the Apostle Paul warned us about in 2 Tim 4...
Pastor Joseph Chambers Exposes TBN for Teaching "Divination-Witchcraft in the Church"
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Pastor Joseph Chambers does an expert job at exposing Paul and Jan Crouch's Trinity Broadcasting Network for spreading darkness, witchcraft in the church. They, along with Pat Robertson were instrumental in spreading this Satanic filth across the globe in Jesus name for over 55 years. And did you know that some of Chambers fellow Pentecostal preachers took him to court, sued him and won a $3 mi...
"The Story of Sadhu Sundar Singh" - The Great Christian Indian Missionary
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Someone asked Sundar Singh, the great Indian Christian, why he was a Christian and what he found in Christianity that he couldn't find in the other religions of India. He answered with these two words: "Jesus Christ." There is no other One who died for the sins of the world. There is no other One who rose from the dead. There is no other One who gives the hope that He is going to return and set...
Author Louis Ruggiero Exposes Calvinist Apologist Dr. James White
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Music by Triumph "Lay It On The Line" can be bought here... it on the line triumph Louis Ruggerio, the author of several books and cd's. His ministry website is King Messiah Project . He has hosted his own radio program in the state of Washi...
Paul Prophecied In These Last Days Evil Men & Seducers Would Grow In Strength
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The Bible is always right....... 2 Timothy 3:10 ¶But thou hast fully known my doctrine, manner of life, purpose, faith, longsuffering, charity, patience, 11 Persecutions, afflictions, which came unto me at Antioch, at Iconium, at Lystra; what persecutions I endured: but out of them all the Lord delivered me. 12 Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution. 13 But e...
Last Days Perilous Times Will Come (Raging, Out Of Control Insanity)
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2 Timothy 3:1 ¶This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. 2 For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, 3 Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, 4 Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of ...
Prophecy In The News: Read Psalms To Calm Your Soul & Fears
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Psalms 34:6 This poor man cried, and the LORD heard him, and saved him out of all his troubles. 7 The angel of the LORD encampeth round about them that fear him, and delivereth them. 8 O taste and see that the LORD is good: blessed is the man that trusteth in him. 9 O fear the LORD, ye his saints: for there is no want to them that fear him. 10 The young lions do lack, and suffer hunger: but the...
Prophecy In The News: The Holy Bible Has Mathematical & Coded Structure
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2 Peter 1:19 ¶We have also a more sure word of prophecy; whereunto ye do well that ye take heed, as unto a light that shineth in a dark place, until the day dawn, and the day star arise in your hearts: 20 Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation. 21 For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were move...
The Holy Bible Is The Only Book That Claims To Be God-Breathed & Yet Can Prove It
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The Holy Bible Is The Only Book That Claims To Be God-Breathed & Yet Can Prove It
Prophecy In The News: Zionism Is Israel's Struggle To Reclaim It's Biblically Ordained Designation
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Prophecy In The News: Zionism Is Israel's Struggle To Reclaim It's Biblically Ordained Designation
Prophecy In The News: The Bible Codes Prove The Validity Of The Bible-Part Two
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Prophecy In The News:The World Of Islam Ordered The Gruesome Murders At Benghazi, Libya
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Prophecy In The News: Yom Kippur Is A Day Of Affliction, Leviticus 23:29, Sept. 27, 2012
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Prophecy In The News: Yom Kippur Is A Day Of Affliction, Leviticus 23:29, Sept. 27, 2012
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An Attack On The Jews Is An Attack On Their King-JESUS OF NAZARETH THE KING OF THE JEWS
Prophecy In The News: The Grape Harvest Is The Remnant. The Last Group Of People To Repent.
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Prophecy In The News: The Grape Harvest Is The Remnant. The Last Group Of People To Repent.


  • @AlphaStudios-lh1rz
    @AlphaStudios-lh1rz День назад

    Calvinism is a cult.

  • @aaronosenkarski5076
    @aaronosenkarski5076 29 дней назад

    So powerful

  • @FaithinChristJesus777
    @FaithinChristJesus777 Месяц назад

    Wow I have read this many times before but never stood out to me until tonight. Your interpretation is exactly what I got when I read it! Ironically I have been on a 21 day fast and I have been hearing Daniel in my spirit all day and then The Lord Led me to the book of Daniel tonight. 😮

  • @aaronshipp8766
    @aaronshipp8766 Месяц назад

    Brother if you have a seared conscience in an area you need to repent in how can you tell?

  • @user-bo5ie7em6t
    @user-bo5ie7em6t Месяц назад

    when your in hell theres no coming back..

  • @paulavandyke4449
    @paulavandyke4449 2 месяца назад

    I miss the revivals that would be held

  • @user-fv5uu7bz8e
    @user-fv5uu7bz8e 3 месяца назад

    Thank you for your excellent commentary Pastor Stearman. I have another question. Gary Wayne believes the nations the Israelites were to annihilate when entering Canaan were descendants of Nephilim or hybrids. The Israelites did not annihilate 2/3 of these tribes. So if they were hybrids, and they survived, they have been living among us and multiplying for thousands of years. And maybe they are not giants any more. There are secret satanic groups that don’t want anyone who is not of their “pure lineage” to intermarry. Do you think all this is accurate?

  • @AlbertIsraeli
    @AlbertIsraeli 3 месяца назад

    Again Avi Lipkin? How low one’s discernment must be, to allow non born again believer, to be given platform to teach and lead weak believers astray. Some believers in Yeshua think, just because one is Jewish, must be knowledgeable of the Holy Scriptures. Well, if one claims to know the Bible, but in all their knowledge, somehow can’t see the most obvious - Yeshua the Messiah? Ridiculous!

  • @70mcnevin
    @70mcnevin 4 месяца назад

    Are Israelis reaping today?

  • @P-el4zd
    @P-el4zd 8 месяцев назад

    It started with the Bolsheviks. The persecution of Lutheran, and Orthodox Christians produced many martyrs at that time. 😢

  • @aikozoe6598
    @aikozoe6598 9 месяцев назад

    why do you manipulate the audience with the music. masonic tool david wilkerson was just as much a deceiver as many others...he was simply playing a different role

  • @fatima01917
    @fatima01917 9 месяцев назад

    Antipope Bergoglio AKA Francis is the false prophet in the Vatican. Pope Benedict XVI passed away and then comes Pope Petrus Romanus but he is not the false prophet but the last pope.

  • @ThePreacherman9
    @ThePreacherman9 11 месяцев назад

    I was believing this until he said literal an not a vision or dream but physical, the bibles clear the next literal physical return of christ is on judgment day, I'm super anti Calvinism and believe its a false gospel 100% but he couldn't physically come it break his word, he said if they say he is in the room or in the field don't believe them,ethier this is a vision and he is telling the truth and was mistaken that its not physical or a lie because Jesus can't physically come

  • @abundantharmony
    @abundantharmony 11 месяцев назад

    Who is this guy? I need more.

  • @abundantharmony
    @abundantharmony 11 месяцев назад

    The original video has been REMOVED from YT.

  • @jesusloveseveryone888
    @jesusloveseveryone888 Год назад

    What is this brother’s name? Please share. I’m trying to find a good contact for him. Thank you. 🙏🏼✝️🕊️

  • @randomperson-gy5ee
    @randomperson-gy5ee Год назад

    Good word. I think Calvinism is a cop out.

  • @isabelcarvalho5842
    @isabelcarvalho5842 Год назад

    I met Pastor Richard Wurmbrand in person...The CORRECTION on the video reads he is from Armenia...He is a ROMANIAN PASTOR

  • @fightthegoodfightoffaithmi8676

    2 Peter 2:14 Having eyes full of adultery, and that cannot cease from sin; beguiling unstable souls: an heart they have exercised with covetous practices; cursed children:

  • @fightthegoodfightoffaithmi8676

    1 Peter 4:17 For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God: and if it first begin at us, what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of God?

  • @fightthegoodfightoffaithmi8676

    Matthew 13:25 But while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat, and went his way. What is written in 2 Thessalonians has to be a fulfilling of the parable of the wheat and the tares.

  • @fightthegoodfightoffaithmi8676

    Those that the Holy Spirit mentioned by speaking through Paul the apostle in 2 Thessalonians chapter 2 being damned they must have become lost enough in those things that will bring that strong delusion upon them which kind of proves they would not come to Jesus Christ that they might have life.

  • @fightthegoodfightoffaithmi8676

    That spirit of Antichrist from what I remember has entered into the devils children known as the tares who have become so lost to where they all have denied the Son of God before men their probably just as lost as the Pharisees who wouldn't even resist the temptation to shut God's kingdom up against men years and years ago. And it is truly despicable to do something that evil and depraved.

  • @nickdixon8115
    @nickdixon8115 Год назад

    if your vision is true. I was right Calvanism is this damnable I myself am an Eastern Orthodox Christian. So thanks for your testimony.

    • @nickdixon8115
      @nickdixon8115 Год назад

      i have heard many other near death experiences where Jesus was in a perfect white robe or however u wana put it. I believe you. but even if i think this vindicates my view on Calvinism i still need to remain skeptical as u can understand.

    • @NoNonsenseGamer0_0
      @NoNonsenseGamer0_0 3 месяца назад

      @@nickdixon8115 While Calvinism is false, this vision is also false. The reason this vision is false is because it teaches that ''salvation can be lost'' which is what every false religion teaches (catholics, mormons, orthodox, muslims). It's also trying to say that ''Once Saved Always Saved is a Calvinist doctrine'' which isn't true because Calvinism teaches Perseverance of the Saints which is different than what Once Saved Always Saved teaches. Calvinism/Perseverance of the Saints teaches that ''works don't save, BUT, if you're truly saved, you'll have the works, you'll continue in the faith, and if you don't, then you proved you were never saved to begin with'' which is just a false back-loaded Calvinist works salvation. OSAS (Once Saved Always Saved) teaches that once you believe on Jesus Christ alone, who is the Son of God, Savior, Christ, you're always saved, you're promised eternal life. Once you're saved, you're always saved, salvation can NEVER be lost. Jesus died for all your sins, was buried, and rose again the 3rd day! What this guy who is teaching this hell visit is just as false as any Calvinist. This guy in the hell visit teaches Arminianism which teaches ''salvation can be lost'' which contradicts John 3:16, Isaiah 51:6, John 5:24, Ephesians 1:13-14, Ephesians 4:30, Hebrews 9:12, Hebrews 10:10-14, and more.

    • @ThePreacherman9
      @ThePreacherman9 19 дней назад

      calvinism is surely heresy but eastern orthodoxy is heresy as well so is roman Catholicism wake up heed scripture not traditions

  • @messenger8491
    @messenger8491 Год назад

    Babylon The Great (America) is the great city that rules over the kings of the earth. The woman or harlot rides the beast (the fourth kingdom) that has seven heads and ten horns. Babylon (America) will have influence over all peoples, multitudes, nations and languages (Rev. 17:15). Babylon (America) will promote religious heresy, indicated by its association with blasphemy (Rev. 17:3), and its depiction as a prostitute (Psalm 106-39, Leviticus 17:7, Judges 2:17). Babylon (America) will kill true followers of God: the woman is drunk with the blood of God's holy people (the true Jews, Israel, black & brown people), the blood of those who bore the testimony to Jesus (Rev. 17:6 &18:24). Babylon (America) will be a place of luxury, wealth and opulence (Rev. 18:7, 11-17); a center of worldwide merchandising (Rev. 18:19,23), and will lead people into corruption (Rev. 18:23, 19:2). I believe Hitler's Nazi regime was the seventh kingdom, that hadn't come when John was alive (Rev. 17:10). I also believe the eight kingdom will be the Antichrist's kingdom, which is of the seven (the kingdoms that persecuted God's people). I believe the little horn that arose from the fourth kingdom, received its wound (Daniel 7:11, 23-24), when Donald Trump lost the presidency, but his kingdom will be resurrected (the one that was, and is not, even is the eight, Hitler's regime), once Trump is reelected in 2024. Babylon (America) will be associated with a federation of ten kings, plus the beast. The Antichrist, which I believe will be Donald Trump, will join those ten kings, which I believe will be the BRICS organization. Babylon (America) will thrive for a time, but then the beast and the ten kings will conclude that such a financial, religious and political system is no longer needed, and they will dispose of it (Rev. 17:16). The fall of Babylon (America) is the result of God's judgment, as He works through the ten kings to accomplish His will (Rev. 17:17). In the end, the kingdoms that Babylon (America) relied on (Her allies), will turn against her and by their hand, Babylon (America) will be destroyed! I believe the deadly wound was received when Trump lost the presidency in 2020, but will be healed from his deadly wound when he's reelected in 2024, and all the world will be amazed (Revelation 13:3). Trump does what he wants and gets away with it; which is why the people of the world will say the words that are found in Revelation 13:4; "Who is like unto the beast? Who is able to make war with him?" Donald J. Trump is more than likely the Antichrist to come! Trump said shortly after becoming president, that he would have a peace deal (Daniel 9:27). He also speaks about making executions public and wants them to be televised; and I believe this is how it will be possible for all to see the deaths of the two witnesses (Revelation 11:9). I believe shortly after Trump is reelected, he will confirm the covenant from 2020 (Daniel 9:27). Abraham Accords signed Final 15 Sept 2020видео.htmlвидео.html

  • @ThePreacherman9
    @ThePreacherman9 Год назад

    Who is this man?name?

  • @Jesusthewaytruthandlife
    @Jesusthewaytruthandlife Год назад

    Thank you for sharing this. What happened to bring you out of hell and what did you do when you came back? Did you immediately share it with your church? And how did that all go down?

  • @NRTSean
    @NRTSean Год назад

    I Read 'The Saffron Robe' many years ago and it had a great impact on my life... But never left the the UK however have ended up doing mission work all over this small isle and am now based in Scotland

  • @connorhenry2176
    @connorhenry2176 Год назад

    This is coming to America. Jesus help us!

  • @p.jcunningham9735
    @p.jcunningham9735 Год назад

    Thank you Jesus please don't pass me by. Amen 🙏 🙏 🙏 🙏 🙏 🙏 🙏 🙏 🙏

  • @priestbogomil
    @priestbogomil Год назад

    That was a dud! Wasn’t it? Do you care to issue a public apology for this heresy? This baseless attack! It’s been 10 years now, a public apology cannot wait.

  • @roshansanam
    @roshansanam Год назад

    A man of great Testimony

  • @rexcavalier
    @rexcavalier 2 года назад

    They (the seed of the iron spirits) will mingle with the clay (the seed of men). There are two different powers here or two different leaderships because the iron rule will be divided. The seed of men will be given a separate authority. This is the government from men, by men, and for men which is different from the government of the iron spirit, bronze, silver, and the spirit of gold. For we know that ancient kingdoms were not really dominated by men but spirits or the gods of this world: the gods of iron, bronze, silver, and the gods of gold. These spirits of the world are still present but men are now given a separate authority to lead the world and they are strong because the iron spirits are mixed with the sons of men. The Lord came and seized, bound, and imprisoned the strong head of the world so that he can enter his world and plunder it and divided it so that it can no longer stand. It is going to fall and be ruined. It is now in its last thousand years. The Lord divided the leadership of Satan's world to weaken it and to free his chosen people who are long waiting for his Day to execute God's fair judgment.

  • @dylanacious
    @dylanacious 2 года назад

    Oh, well thank God that you toned down your intelligence so people can understand you! Wouldn’t want you going over everybody’s head with your incredible IQ! There is so much wrong with what you’re saying. You are no different than all the other people that have written books about being to hell or heaven. All of them saying strongly that we need to listen to them! And you’ve never heard anything like this before! First off according to scripture,you don’t go to hell because you’re teaching the wrong thing. it says you will be judged and held accountable. but not go to hell. The deciding factor in that, from what the Bible teaches, is whether or not you believe in Jesus. not whether or not you teach the right thing. And to say those that are of a different denomination, but yet believe in Christ, are going to hell, is utter ignorance and foolishness. And sir,you are not as intelligent as you think you are.So no,I do not believe in what you say in this video nor should anyone else!

  • @mohamedkandil1789
    @mohamedkandil1789 2 года назад

    Well, the aim is very clear at least.

  • @nicoboingeanu
    @nicoboingeanu 2 года назад

    correction , Richard was born in Romania, not Armenia

  • @itisfinished7377
    @itisfinished7377 2 года назад

    Hold on to this video. When I figure out who needs this and will actually watch it I'll share it with them

  • @EternityItsYourChoice
    @EternityItsYourChoice 2 года назад

    The views on every video and my playlists have been stopped. Last year the views to my channel were brought down to 2.5 million. This Satanic attack started 10 years ago when my channel had over 5 million views. I had to take down some videos to keep from getting more strikes.

  • @LivingisGiving
    @LivingisGiving 2 года назад

    Everyone of us has the same goal: "To extend the Kingdom of God" Thank you God first for extending to me your Love. Thank you for hearing Richard, your servant, glorify your name and extend your kingdom.

  • @AnitaVeraAlice
    @AnitaVeraAlice 2 года назад

    Thanks for posting this. A great help. He is from Romania not Armenia.

  • @moesgaudin1972
    @moesgaudin1972 2 года назад

    Did Elijah gept his body for the reason to come back to earth

    • @EternityItsYourChoice
      @EternityItsYourChoice 2 года назад

      The Bible just says "Enoch walked with God and he was no more; for God took him." (Genesis 5:21-24)

    • @moesgaudin1972
      @moesgaudin1972 2 года назад

      Jesus needed a body so the spirit form can operate right?

    • @sunnyjohnson992
      @sunnyjohnson992 2 года назад

      God took him means he peacefully terminated his life, sparing him the pangs of death from either sickness or violence at the hands of his enemies. Yes, Jehovah God ended his life at the age of 365 which is quite young compared to his contemporaries.

  • @foryou-ft8vf
    @foryou-ft8vf 2 года назад

    Interesting, trying to corrupt the DNA of humanity now? Like as in the days of Noah?

  • @emmasalgado7877
    @emmasalgado7877 2 года назад

    Not Armenia…. *Romania

  • @elisabethsira
    @elisabethsira 2 года назад

    My Mother she learned us, when we were children to pray for the People behind the Iron curtain.

  • @EternityItsYourChoice
    @EternityItsYourChoice 2 года назад

    I apologize, but RUclips has messed with my channel, playlists and video views and hides comments for the past 11 years.

  • @Valay.
    @Valay. 2 года назад

    Thank god i belive in jesus

  • @asdfghjkl10293841000
    @asdfghjkl10293841000 2 года назад

    Just a tiny correction: he was born and tortured in Romania, not in Armenia. He was a Romanian Jew converted to Christianity and became a Lutheran Priest.

  • @FlashSJ
    @FlashSJ 2 года назад

    Can you please share the background music title

  • @mindyourown1898
    @mindyourown1898 3 года назад

    2021. reading the book and so i searched for this

  • @yuriduran9990
    @yuriduran9990 3 года назад